Assets and liabilities of environmental project of the irrigation district of Gorutuba
Environmental assets and liabilities, Irrigated agriculture, Human intervention, Environmental impact, Regional development.Abstract
The understanding of human’s relationship with the environment is essential for understanding the dynamics of the agroecosystem. This system is understood as controlled, considering that mankind is responsible for its working. The Irrigation Project of Gorutuba is seen in the agroecosystemic way due to its operation dynamics, i.e., due to the the changes and transformations that have taken place inside it. The present work aimed to evaluate the main impacts, both negative and positive ones arising from the implementation of the irrigation district. The methodological procedures include literature review, data collection in public and private agencies such as CODEVASF, DIG, IBGE, UVALE, FAVAG, EMATER and municipal governments of Janaúba and Nova Porteirinha. In the present study, fall as an environmental liabilities, the alteration of the natural landscape, the interferences in soil and water bodies, loss of native vegetation, biodiversity loss, among others, and as environmental assets, the potential arable land, hydrous resources available for irrigated agriculture, crops, farm machinery and the workforce at all levels that drives the irrigated agriculture of project, food production, among others.
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