Automated batimetric survey in brazilian lacustre environment: the Lagoa Maior case study
Bathymetry. Três Lagoas. Urban pond. 3d modeling. Echo sounder.Abstract
One of the activities that help to understand the water dynamics in bodies of water are bathymetric surveys. The procedures for carrying out, depending on the physical conditions of the environment or economic of the interested parties can be carried out manually or automatically. This article portrays the experience carried out in the largest urban pond in the municipality of Três Lagoas/MS, in 2015. The methodological procedures were carried out in two stages, started with an operation in the field adopting the automated procedure with the aid of an echo sounder and gps, ending with the measurement and preparation of the results in the laboratory. From the applications of the proposed methodological procedures, he obtained two digital cartographic products, the bathymetric map and the digital model in three dimensions. The maximum length found was 809.2m, the maximum depth 1.80m, the average depth 0.65m, in an area of 417,782.5 m². He noted that there is confirmed progressive silting in Lagoa Maior, since works carried out in 2002 found a maximum depth of 3 meters. This may cause problems such as the decrease in aquatic life and the probability of drying the bed during the dry season.
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