Territorial development of Ceará: an analysis based on indexes and indicators
Desenvolvimento Territorial. Índice. Clusters. Ceará.Abstract
In the present work, the territorial development indexes are discussed, applying and analyzing data from the municipalities of the state of Ceará. For this, four dimensions were used in the analysis: environmental, political-institutional, economic and spatial, through two variables that portray each of the dimensions. In addition, we sought to identify, using the Moran index, characteristics related to spatial dependence between municipalities and between their respective territorial development indexes. The way of calculating the territorial development index followed the steps taken in calculating the Human Development Index (HDI) and the Sustainable Development Index applied by Sepúlveda (2005; 2008). Then, Moran's spatial correlation, global and local indexes for territorial development were calculated, thus identifying clusters across Ceará. Regarding the results, it was found that the best indexes of territorial development were obtained by the municipalities of Fortaleza, Eusébio and Sobral. The existence of five main clusters was also identified through the local and global Moran indexes. Thus, the existence of few clusters indicates deficiencies that prevent the trigger for the territorial development of the state.
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