Interdiciplinarity and wheels of knowledge: the importance of hydrographic bacies and their epistemological foundations within the agricultural and environmental geosciences
Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Epistemologia, Conceitos de Interdisciplinaridade, Rodas de ConhecimentoAbstract
Resumo The debate about philosophical problems of definition is not common in the natural sciences. In general, only the concrete studies of a particular research are sought without worrying about what led to this or the reason for its study. In this way, the concepts of interdisciplinarity, knowledge wheels and epistemological definitions of terms used in hydrographic surveys are not observed and are generally placed in the background. The objective of this study, therefore, is this: based on the studies of Martins Jr (1998, 2014a and b) to explain epistemologically the terms used in studies of hydrographic basins through the understanding of what comes to be interdisciplinarity. We can conclude that the watersheds do indeed need a specific line of research, but as philosophical and theoretical studies within the Exact Sciences and the Earth are still rare, especially in the field of gnosiology, only a a real sub-area proposal capable of encompassing this theme, showing that it is interesting (and important) to encourage further studies like this one.
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