Irregular Occupations in Permanent Preservation Areas of the Urban Streams in the Municipality of Terra Nova Do Norte-Mato Grosso
Cidade pequena, Produção do espaço urbano, Código Florestal BrasileiroAbstract
This reserch analyzed irregular occupations in Permanent Preservation Areas (APP) of two urban streams in the municipality of Terra Nova do Norte, highlighting the non-compliance eith environmental legislation, especially the Braszilian Forest Code, by residentes and public authorities. The approach method adopted was historical and dialectical materialism and as a methodological procedure, bibliographic and documentar research was followed, which supported the production of the theoretical foundation and the survey of legislation directed to the theme, as well as the analysis undertaken. The field research was carried out for the acquisition of images of APPs with Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA- phantom 4) with a spatial resolution of 15 cm, enabling the obtainment of more detailed images of the study area and for recording the lanscape by means of digital photo camera. As a resull, it was obtained that the APPs of the analyzed streams presente vegetation suppression, mainly promoted by irregular occupations, arising from the processes of imposed segregation and self-segregatio, also watercourse is being contaminated by the sewage discharge, significantly compromising the enviromental balance of the studied area.
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