Land use conflicts of land use and cover in permanent preservation areas analisys in municipality of Araraquara –SP
Environment monitoring. Proximity analysis. GIS.Abstract
The present research analyzed different spatial clipping of the municipality of Araraquara-SP in conflict with permanent preservation areas (APP), according to Law No 12.651 from 2012/05/25. data with land use and land cover classes, showing these areas aiming to share a mechanism of environment monitoring. Through the approach of proximity analysis in GIS, the Quantum GIS environment and orbital images from the CBERS 4 satellite 2019/08/25 with low covering of clouds were used for the use and land cover and the construction of the 30-meter buffer for the drainages and 50 meters for the spring áreas in acording with cited law. Among the results achieved, it is highlighted that even sugarcane representing more than half of the area of use and coverage of the municipality (53.94%), pasture is the one that most conflicts with APPs, representing 39.72 % of all conflict area in APPs in the municipality. The methodology applied by proximity analysis as well as the results achieved show how GIS can be an important tool for environmental inspection agencies and for municipal management as an instrument to aid in territorial planning, especially in areas of expansion of the urban area of the study area.
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