Environmental assessment of Cerrado Forest fragments using landscape metrics and vegetation index
Fragmentation of landscapes, NDVI, Hydrographic basin, AgricultureAbstract
The objective of this article was to evaluate the environmental conditions of Cerrado forest fragments, in the Pedras river basin, in Itaberaí (Goiás), using landscape metrics and vegetation index. The fragments were mapped and classified by size and the edge effect, anthropogenic exposure and normalized difference vegetation (NDVI) indices were applied. The basin has an area of 36900 hectares where 296 fragments were mapped, totaling 4,421.02 ha. The results indicated that 75.68% of the fragments had a high rate of edge effect, totaling 224 fragments. In relation to the anthropogenic exposure index, the predominance was also for the upper class, with 237 fragments. NDVI values ranged from 0.2 to 0.92, with an average of 0.75, indicating good conditions for vegetative vigor and photosynthetically active production, but with better conditions for the largest fragments and their nuclear region.
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