Memory, affective links with place and politics: a look at heritage in its plots derived from human geograficity
Place. Material and Immaterial Heritage. Cultural Heritage X State.Abstract
The objective of this research is to carry out an analysis on the constitution of Cultural Heritage in order to add to the to the views inherent to the theme, approaches that come close to the knowledge of the establishment of relationships of Man's belonging with the Place, in an attempt to obtain an understanding of heritage as an element of affection and security for the subject in the environment and with regard to his connections with the State. For this purpose, bibliographic rework was basically used as a methodological tool. It was possible to reflect that Cultural Heritage has been gaining prominence in governmental policies that, to a certain extent, value cultural democracy in what concerns the valorization of the forms and expressions that human beings recreate and reinvent in their place and imaginary, establishing the sense of heritage in society.
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