: Children. Methodological Instruments. Digital Games. Reading.Abstract
The purpose of this text is to discuss methodological instruments
explored in the process of building data in a qualitative empirical
research which investigated reading strategies applied by children. The
interlocutors use the website Click Jogos and they are 5th grade students at a private Elementary School in Vacaria – RS (Brazil). This website was chosen considering
the interests of the participants from their answers to an online survey. Therefore, based on
Bardin (1979, 2004) and Content Analysis, the corpus was built from utterances analyzed
from two sources: an online survey and audio and video verbal protocols (ERICSSON;
SIMON, 1993). Participants reported individually the actions executed by them while reading
and interacting with games of their interest and available on the website defined for the
investigation. Data were organized, codified and categorized in order to produce inferences on
the path followed by the subjects during the game and reading on the screen. The results
indicate how important verbal protocols can be as instruments to build research data since
they enable the construction of the corpus, which is comprised of verbal, visual (static or in
movement), sonorous and hybrid utterances.
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