This is an outdated version published on 2021-03-08. Read the most recent version.



  • Ana Carolina Fontana de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF
  • Vinicius Villani Abrantes Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF




Language Teaching. Portuguese as a Host Language. Human Rights. Applied Linguistics. Transdisciplinarity


This research is inserted in the context of forced international migrations - a scenario in which
Brazil appears as one of the recipients (destination state) of countless refugees. It is a fact that,
in the last decade, Brazil has faced a representative growth in the migratory flow in its
territory - which has led several programs and projects to adapt to this context, helping in the
integration process and the reception of refugees. Linked to several difficulties, one of the
greatest barriers within this process is undoubtedly the language. In this context, the general
objective of this article is to study the context of the reception and linguistic integration of
refugees in Brazil; it becomes a specific objective to point out the contributions of podcasts in
the teaching and learning of Portuguese, taking into consideration the constitutive and
objective difference in the classrooms of Portuguese as a Host Language. Within this
scenario, however, it is emphasized that the language that hosts several times can silence, thus
making it difficult for refugees to territorialize in that physical and symbolic space - therefore,
this article is in the perspective of teaching those students who wish to learn the Brazilian
Portuguese language, without imposing new codes of language and culture. In this line of
reasoning, from transdisciplinarity, this work is in demand of new indenitary constructions
inherent to contemporary movements, justified by the potential to corroborate so that
professionals can have new perspectives to conduct future confrontations of the theme in
national territory. To this end, a bibliographical review is carried out in specialized texts,
legislation and international and national protocols


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Author Biographies

Ana Carolina Fontana de Oliveira, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF

Mestranda em Linguística, pela Faculdade de Letras, da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
(PPG Linguística/FALE/UFJF). Graduada em Letras, com ênfase na Língua Inglesa, pela
Faculdade de Letras, da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (FALE/UFJF).

Vinicius Villani Abrantes, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora - UFJF

Graduando em Letras, pela Faculdade de Letras, da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
(FALE/UFJF). Graduando em Direito, pela Faculdade de Direito, do Instituto Metodista Granbery
(FMG). Pesquisador no Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Direito Internacional, no projeto de
pesquisa: “Direito Internacional Crítico” (GEPDI/DICRÍ/CNPq/UFU). Pesquisador no Portal
Direito Internacional sem Fronteiras, no projeto de pesquisa: “Os Direitos da Criança no Sistema


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. C. F. de, & Abrantes, V. V. (2021). PODCASTS COMO UM DESIGN ALTERNATIVO PARA O ENSINO DE PORTUGUÊS PARA REFUGIADOS NO BRASIL. Revista Ciranda, 5(1), 176–186.


