Visual Arts. Initial Teacher Training. Professional Profile. PIBID.Abstract
This paper presents the results of the initial academic training of Art Teachers, focusing on the
professional profile of the Visual Arts Course’s graduates at the State University of Montes Claros
(Unimontes) who participated in the Institutional Scholarship Program of Initiation to Teaching
(PIBID). This work researched on the professional profile of graduates from the Visual Arts area
participating in PIBID - Unimontes in the last ten years (2010-2019). The objective was to design a
professional profile of graduates considering the initial objectives of the Program and the demands of
the teaching profession. This case study has a qualitative approach on the data, using bibliographic and
documentary analysis, self-administered questionnaire technique and the content analysis of the
responses that in turn, enabled a design of the professional profile of graduates of the Visual Arts
Course. It can be inferred from the research that PIBID reached the first objective of the program with
the investigated group, in the last ten years of acting in the teaching formation in Visual Arts, that is to
encourage the initial formation of teachers. We can affirm that the professional profile investigated
presents a design that outlines the recognition of the Program's success in encouraging initial training
and professional insertion in the area of Education for most of the trained teachers. The data
demonstrate the value of the training processes in the Program and, in this direction, to the awareness
of the urgency of good salaries for the teaching work and the need for continuous training at different
levels aiming qualified teaching.
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