
  • Rosana Cássia Rodrigues Andrade UNIMONTES




Supervised Internship Teacher Training. Distance Education


Although the internship in teacher training has been the subject of much research,
there are no significant results of these studies in the dynamics of their development in universities. In
this sense, it can be said that the curricular internship calls for new meanings, which has instigated
researchers to new searches. In the context of this problem, the guiding question of this research
emerged: What do the internship reports of students in the Pedagogy / UAB course reveal about the
Supervised Internship in teacher training to work in basic education? In line with the proposed
objectives, we opted for a qualitative research approach, conducting bibliographic research and
documentary research, selecting 1 report from different poles, totaling five reports of supervised
internship in the Pedagogy course. From the reading of the reports, 3 categories of analysis were
defined: 1) internship as research 2) Internship in the reflective perspective 3) internship between
theory and practice. In the reports analyzed, we found that the supervised internship brings reflection
on a recurring basis, and are considered as a research space, aiming to favor greater knowledge of the
reality of the teaching professional, from the problematization, theorization, reflection, intervention
and resizing of the action. They also point out the difficulty of breaking with the dichotomy between theory and practice in teacher education. Despite this difficulty, there is a strong commitment in the search for solutions to overcome the obstacles that arise.


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Author Biography

Rosana Cássia Rodrigues Andrade, UNIMONTES

Doutora pela PUC - SP.
Docente do Departamento de Estágios e Práticas Escolares na Universidade Estadual de
Montes Claros (Unimontes)


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How to Cite

Rodrigues Andrade, R. C. (2022). A LOOK AT THE SUPERVISED CURRICULAR INTERNSHIP IN THE PEDAGOGY COURSE. Revista Ciranda, 6(01), 185–197. https://doi.org/10.46551/259498102022012

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