Educação. Formação de professores. Narrativas docentes.Abstract
This work results from the analysis of the reflective diary of the teacher training course, “Playful and Creative Literacy for the teacher Initial Years”, offered by the State Department of Education of the Federal District – SEEDF in 2015, through the Subsecretariat of Continuing Training for Professionals in Education (EAPE) and its regional trainers located in the Regional Coordination of Sobradinho - DF. The text explores teacher training and the narratives presented by participants during the course offered by SEEDF. It is a qualitative production, with an emphasis on the biographical narratives recorded in the reflective diary developed in the aforementioned training process. The literature review was based on Frigotto's studies; Ciavatta, (2003) and Souza (2006), Delory (2012), Matos and Souza (2015), Souza and Matos (2017), Larrosa (2002), whic contributed to the understanding of the approaches made from the reflective records of students in the training process. The contribution of this training process made it possible to re-signify pedagogical practice based on the narratives presented during the conversation circles, in which theory and practice were articulated in order to justify the transformation of teaching action.
Keywords: Education. Teacher training. Teaching narratives.
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