Oral literature, Fables, Legends, MythsAbstract
This article deals with the content underlying narratives and verbal formulas found in oral literature, with the aim of associating them with situations in social life; it is assumed that this material constitutes a way of justifying the existence of things, anticipating experiences or warning about events that are repeated from generation to generation. From this perspective, the text presents a discussion of myths, legends, fables and nursery rhymes, highlighting specific structural features of these genres and their most recurrent content. The theoretical framework is supported by: Oral Literature in Brazil 1984) and Geography of Brazilian Myths (1983), by Luís da Câmara Cascudo; Popular Culture in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance (1996) and Questions of Literature and Aesthetics (1993) by Mikhail Bakhtin; Popular Culture in the Modern Age (2010), by Peter Burke; What is popular literature (1987), by Joseph M. Luyten, among others.
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