A note on the profit rate-exchange rate nexus in Brazil: 2000-2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46551/epp2024v12n0102
Exchange rate, Profit Rate, Brazilian economyAbstract
This note explores the relationship between profit rates and their determinants, and the real exchange rate in the Brazilian economy from 2000 to 2023. Drawing on classical-Marxian theory, we examine the impacts of exchange rate devaluations and appreciations on profit rates. Our findings reveal a non-linear, smile-shaped relationship between these variables. Specifically, an undervalued exchange rate leads to a higher profit rate due to an increase in the profit share, despite a decline in capital productivity. Conversely, an appreciating exchange rate also results in a higher profit rate by boosting capital productivity, though it reduces the profit share. Additionally, we observe a U-shaped association between exchange rates and GDP growth. This research highlights the complex dynamics between exchange rates and profit rates, providing valuable insights for Brazilian policymakers as they navigate economic and exchange rate policies.
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