The Taiwan issue in the context of Sino-American relations
China, Taiwan, United States of America.Abstract
The objective of this article is to discuss the role and influence of the United States in the historical process that began with the flight of Chiang Kai-Check to the Chinese island of Taiwan, after the defeat of the nationalist Kuomintang forces in the civil war that resulted in the Proclamation of the Republic People's Republic of China in 1949. Since then, Taiwan has remained separate from China, largely due to the United States' military support for the island. Keeping Taiwan separate from China is an important part of the United States' strategy to remain the dominant power in East Asia. For the People's Republic of China, regaining control over the island is a historic objective that aims to reunite the country, which was torn apart by Western imperialist powers in the second half of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. As long as Taiwan does not return to control from Beijing, China will remain a divided country.
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