Aims and Scope of the Journal Economics and Public Policies

The journal Economics and Public Policies (ISSN 2318-647X) is an electronic publication of the Department of Economics and the Postgraduate Program in Economic Development and Business Strategy (PPGDEE) at the State University of Montes Claros, maintained in partnership with the João Pinheiro Foundation.

Regarding its content, its emphasis is on disseminating knowledge in economics, economic history, and public policies, especially unpublished research. Contributions from other social sciences related to the journal's themes are also accepted.

Metric indexers

Google Scholar

Indexers with metadata

Periódicos de Minas

Sumá - Summaries of Brazilian Journals (Brazil)

Indexed databases

Diadorim - Directory of Open Access Policies of Brazilian Scientific Journals (Brazil)

MIGUILIM - Directory of Brazilian Electronic Scientific Journals

Search engines

LatinREV - Latin American Network of Journals (Argentina)