Mathematical Modeling in the sociocritical perspective: environment for dialogical communication





This paper aims to reflect on the practice of Mathematical Modeling in the sociocritical perspective articulated to the model of investigative cooperation that deals with dialogical communication. It is part of a master's thesis whose theme for the development of modeling is water scarcity, a problem that emerged from the students' reality. The research is qualitative whose instruments used in the production of data were the researcher's logbook, students' textual production and recordings. Data were collected at a school located in Castelo, Espírito Santo, with students from the 8th grade of Elementary School. The results reveal that the Mathematical Modeling in the sociocratic perspective is par excellence, an environment that favors dialogical acts; in addition to bringing mathematical content closer to social problems, it promotes the collective investigation of perspectives through dialogue, favoring the teaching and learning process and the citizens' education of students.

Keywords: Modeling. Dialogic communication. Learning. Citizen formation.


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How to Cite

DALVI, Silvana Cocco; REZENDE, Oscar Luiz Teixeira de; LORENZONI, Luciano Lessa. Mathematical Modeling in the sociocritical perspective: environment for dialogical communication. Educação Matemática Debate, Montes Claros, vol. 4, no. 10, p. 1–23, 2020. DOI: 10.46551/emd.e202021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.