Exploring Statistical concepts in Elementary Education through fishing: a proposal for Countryside Education





This paper sought to discuss the extent to which cultural issues allied with Mathematical Modeling can contribute and provide students with Meaningful Learning. Students from elementary schools in the countryside of Rio Grande do Sul participated in the research. Interventions were carried out in the school environment and classroom observations with the purpose of verifying the subsumers of the students, making a data survey and analyzing the school context. This survey made it possible to list three themes of interest to the students: Livestock, Fisheries and Agriculture. In this work we present an activity that addresses the topic of Fisheries as a basis for studying statistical concepts and analyze whether the learning of these concepts was significant. From the analysis of the results it was possible to infer that learning becomes significant when we insert cultural issues as a central theme, because these can underpin the learning of new concepts; strengthen and mean concepts already known.

Keywords: Mathematical Modelling. Countryside Education. Mathematics Education.


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How to Cite

VARGAS, Andressa Franco; BISOGNIN, Eleni. Exploring Statistical concepts in Elementary Education through fishing: a proposal for Countryside Education. Educação Matemática Debate, Montes Claros, vol. 4, no. 10, p. 1–24, 2020. DOI: 10.46551/emd.e202028. Disponível em: https://www.periodicos.unimontes.br/index.php/emd/article/view/2231. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.