Teacher knowledge and the Didactic Model of Mathematics in Context: initial reflections
Competencies, Teacher Knowledge, Didactic. Model of Mathematics in Context, Engineering, Contextualized EventsAbstract
The goal of this theoretical article is to initiate reflections about the competencies to be developed by Mathematics professors, who teach in Engineering programs in line with the suppositions of Mathematics in the Sciencel Context, theoretical reference presented by the Mexican researcher Patricia Camarena, and her didactic model (MoDiMaCo). We have focused our attention specifically to one of the components of the competencies: knowledge. Based on theoretical precepts referring to teacher knowledge we have analyzed the theoretical precepts, which the professors who teach in the mathematical subjects of a certain modality of Engineering should build to act in line with MoDiMaCo and in what circumstances this happens. The mobilization of this knowledge is essential for the professors who choose for the Didactic Model, so that they can satisfactorily implement a series of inherent tasks to their work with contextualized events, the main didactic-pedagogical strategy present in the referred Model.
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