Production of mathematical texts: the communication between teacher and children





Markers, Legitimate Texts, Mathematical Literacy


During the process of mathematical literacy, the communication between teacher and student is done through the production of mathematical texts. With the objective of analyzing the communication between teacher and children of the 1st year of elementary school in the production of mathematical texts from the markers we present, in this work, a data cut of the core of Vitória da Conquista.  This data are part of the research project “Mathematical literacy with the use of didactic material and the production of legitimate mathematical texts by elementary school students in the state of Bahia”. We analyzed, under the Bernsteinian lens, the communication between teacher and student in a qualitative research approach in which the methodological model of the description language was used. As a result, we verified the need to give children the productions of their own texts, approaching the acquisition of the code, in the case of numerical writing.


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How to Cite

MENDUNI-BORTOLOTI, Roberta; PAULA PEROVANO, Ana. Production of mathematical texts: the communication between teacher and children. Educação Matemática Debate, Montes Claros, vol. 2, no. 6, p. 229–241, 2018. DOI: 10.24116/emd25266136v2n62018a01. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.