When elementary school teachers develop problem situations involving multiplicative structures: which situations to prioritize?
In this text, we will present a piece of data from the research project entitled “The multiplicative structures and the formation of teachers who teach mathematics in Bahia” (PEM). In it, we will analyze the problem situations elaborated by elementary school teachers, who acted as supervisors of the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBID). To treat the multiplicative structures, we base our reflections on the Theory of Conceptual Fields. We developed a research with qualitative approach of descriptive nature. The data were collected through questionnaires and as results we identified that the focus of these teachers work in situations of simple proportion, from class one to many, and with the magnitude of the discrete type, which, in our view, delimits the experience. of students with the concepts of multiplication and division. We hope to contribute to bring reflections on the teaching of such concepts.
Keywords: Multiplicative structure. Early years. Mathematics Education.
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