Alteridade Magazine
Alteridade Magazine is a student magazine linked to the Department of Politics and Social Sciences of the State University of Montes Claros - Unimontes with annual publication, aims to establish a space for debate and discussion in the areas of Social Sciences.
Revista Araticum
Araticum Magazine (Qualis B1) is a semiannual journal that aims to disseminate critical studies on Portuguese language literature, with emphasis on Brazilian literature. The journal receives articles for continuous flow evaluation, and there are no publication costs for the authors, who must have a master degree (in the case of only masters and doctoral students, articles must be signed in co-authorship with a doctor). In each volume, a dossier may be constituted, gathering articles that address the same author or approximate themes. The remaining articles will be published in a section called "varies".
Argumentos - Revista do Departamento de Ciências Sociais da Unimontes
Argumentos is an electronic journal based at the Department of Politics and Social Sciences of the State University of Montes Claros - Unimontes, Brazil. Its general aim is to establish itself as a space of critical debate and exchange in the Social Sciences. Its main subjects are Anthropology, Sociology and Political Science.
Caminhos da História
Caminhos da História journal is a publication based at the Graduate Program in History (PPGH) of the State University of Montes Claros (Unimontes). It is a biannual journal, receiving submission of articles in continuous flow. Contributions from researchers and professors from other institutions are welcome; effectively, this has been achieved with the publication of articles from different regions of the country, including from abroad.
Revista Cerrados
The Cerrados Magazine is a journal for the continuous flow of the Graduate Program in Geography and the Department of Geosciences of the State University of Montes Claros - Unimontes, which seeks to publish scientific works of interest to geographical science and related areas.
Revista Ciranda
A Revista Ciranda, desde o seu primeiro número lançado em 2008, tem o objetivo de contribuir para a consolidação de um projeto educacional real e diferenciado na Unimontes. A mesma institucionalizou através do trabalho dos professores-pesquisadores do Departamento de Estágios e Práticas Escolares (DEPE). Departamento frutífero e inovador que ao decorrer de sua história tem dado grande contribuição para as experiências pedagógicas da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, em especial com pesquisas, projetos de ensino e extensão voltados especialmente para o Estágio Curricular Supervisionado de todos os cursos de Licenciatura desta Universidade e a gama de atividades didático-pedagógicos com propostas educacionais atuais, críticas e ativas. Nesse intento, a Revista Ciranda, busca, então, socializar as experiências e produtos de pesquisadores que investem suas habilidades e competências para a formação de um ensino crítico, autônomo e inovador, convidando todos para a submissão de trabalhos, contribuindo para a formação constante da prática e reflexões propositivas de temáticas que perpassam o universo docente.
Revista Desenvolvimento Social
The Social Development Magazine (RDS) is an electronic journal linked to the Graduate Program in Social Development of the State University of Montes Claros (PPGDS / Unimontes). Created in 2008, the journal aims to publish articles, dossiers, essays, reviews and other academic text formats that present theoretical approaches and empirical experiences on the impacts and controversies of social development in different contexts.
Revista do Curso de Direito da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros
MAGAZINE OF THE MONTES CLAROS STATE UNIVERSITY LAW COURSE (ISSN- No 1518-3408) is a biannual publication of the Law Course of the Montes Claros State University - Unimontes, Professor Darcy Ribeiro University Campus - CEP 39401-089 - Montes Claros- MG.
Journal of Economics and Public Policies
The Journal of Economics and Public Policies (ISSN 2318-647X) is an electronic periodical of the Department of Economics and the Postgraduate Program in Economic Development and Business Strategy (PPGDEE) of the State University of Montes Claros, maintained in partnership with Foundation João Pinheiro.
As for its content, its emphasis is on the dissemination of knowledge in economics, economic history and public policies, especially new research. Contributions from other social sciences with themes related to the magazine are also accepted.
Educação, Escola & Sociedade
Educação, Escola & Sociedade, eISSN 2594-4002, is edited by the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE). It aims to contribute to the reflection and socialization of knowledge in the area of Education and its epistemological, philosophical, didactic, methodological and conceptual aspects. It also aims to disseminate research processes and results and experiences of pedagogical practices that focus on the analysis of the theorizations in the field of Education and their interface with other areas of knowledge.
Educação Matemática Debate
Educação Educação Debate, eISSN 2526-6136, is edited by the Mathematics Education Research Group (GPEMat) and the Mathematics Education Curriculum Research Group (GPCEEM). It aims to contribute to the reflection and socialization of knowledge about the teaching and learning processes of Mathematics, about different elements of professional teacher development and about epistemological, philosophical, didactic, methodological and conceptual aspects of Mathematics and Mathematical Education. It also aims to disseminate research processes and results and experiences of pedagogical practices that focus on the analysis of mathematical education theories.
The National Electronic Journal of Physical Education - RENEF, ISSN 2526-8007, is a publication of the Physical Education Course of the State University of Montes Claros - UNIMONTES, and aims to publish research that contributes to the advancement of knowledge about the related human movement. Physical Education, Sport, physical and mental well-being and related areas. The following formats will be accepted for publication: Original Article, Review Article, Case Study, Technical Article, Opinion Article and abstracts. For publication of case studies, the methodology followed must be rigorous and expressed in the manuscript.
Revista Poiesis
The Poiesis Magazine is a biannual publication of the Department of Philosophy of the State University of Montes Claros - UNIMONTES, aiming to open space for the publication of articles in the area of philosophy in interface with other areas of knowledge. The purpose is to stimulate academic production and philosophical debate among researchers, always striving for quality in the publication of material that serves as a research tool for the specialized public and the academic community in general. We hope that the journal can contribute to the development of discussions about philosophical themes, especially in contemporary times.
Revista Renome
The North Mineira Journal of Nursing (RENOME) adopts the indexed and interdisciplinary rolling pass system of national circulation, published by the Nursing Department of the Montes Claros State University (UNIMONTES). Its main objective is to publish original and unpublished works related to the various areas of nursing knowledge, health and related areas. Submitted papers will be appreciated by the Editorial Board and reviewers (consultants).
Revista Serviço Social em Perspectiva
The Social Service in Perspective Magazine is a semi-annual periodical scientific publication. Related to social work and related areas, it is intended for the publication of debates and dissemination of academic production resulting from scientific research, essays, professional experiences and reviews. It is at the same time a space for the exchange of ideas produced in different contexts. It targets researchers, social workers and professionals in related fields, postgraduates, undergraduates.
Revista Unimontes Científica
A Revista Unimontes Científica (RUC) é uma publicação periódica, técnico-científica, que tem por finalidade contribuir para divulgação, acesso e utilização do conhecimento produzido multidisciplinarmente. A RUC tem como missão ser instrumento no avanço do conhecimento técnico-científico gerado no rigor da metodologia da pesquisa e da ética, por meio da publicação de artigos de elevado mérito científico. Seu público-alvo são profissionais e estudantes de todas áreas do conhecimento, principalmente, Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Ciências Humanas e Sociais. Caracteriza-se como periódico nacional, de circulação internacional que teve sua primeira edição publicada em 2001. Apresenta-se, também, pela chamada de dossiês temáticos, para promover a discussão de temas relevantes para o conhecimento científico.
Revista Verde Grande: Geografia e Interdisciplinaridade
A Revista Verde Grande: Geografia e Interdisciplinaridade (ISSN: 2675-2395) é uma publicação em fluxo contínuo do Departamento de Geociências e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia - PPGEO da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros – Unimontes e conta com a parceria da Secretaria Municipal de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável de Montes Claros-MG, cujo objetivo é publicar os trabalhos científicos, técnicos e culturais de interesse da área de Geografia, Geociências, Geografia Física, Ciências Ambientais entre outras temáticas afins. Assim, a Revista Verde Grande constitui-se num amplo projeto de divulgação dos trabalhos de professores, pesquisadores, extensionistas, movimentos sociais e ambientais de instituições e organizações brasileiras e internacionais, originários de tese, de dissertação, bem como de projetos de pesquisa, ensino, extensão, inovação e difusão seguindo os princípios éticos e os rigores científicos.
Períodicos Notícias
Notícias sobre Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas, eventos de capacitação de editores e qualificação de periódicos, informações e novidades sobre as revistas da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES aqui hospedadas.