The Thuth of the Technique and the Trouble of the Truth


  • Joedson Silva dos Santos Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo


Essence. Wesen. Technique. Gestell. Truth.


This article is thematically limited to the technical fact of the analysis and the problem of truth from the conference "The question of technique" of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. The procedure or path taken by Heidegger, in this conference, is an effort to return to the source, so focused his questioning on three occasions: the essence for Wesen, from the technique to the essence of technique and from the correct to the true. The central theme of this conference is not only to question the technique, but also about the truth of technique. For the German philosopher, to question the technique is to question an infinite mystery of truth, in which uncover and cover occurs, that is, the validity of truth. Therefore, the term uncover is taken as a reference in the main definitions of the terms used in this conference. It is through the etymology of the Greek term άλήθεια and its original sense, the uncover, that Heidegger is guided on the path to the philosophical search of the being of technique and to return the sense of the question of being, at the same time, opposes the meaning of Latin etymology, for this to cover up the sense that was unmasked with the Greeks.


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How to Cite

Joedson Silva dos Santos. (2020). The Thuth of the Technique and the Trouble of the Truth. Revista Poiesis, 17(2), 3–16. Retrieved from