Martin Heidegger and Brazilian Law

Necessary Connections


  • Guilherme Diehl de Azevedo Universidade do Vale do Itajaí


Heidegger. Fundamental ontology. Law. Legal hermeneutics. Judicial decision.


The present article lends to demonstrate the necessary interconnections between the ontological postulates of Martin Heidegger and Brazilian law. For this, we try to elucidate the theoretical construction erected by the german author, to sequentially demonstrate the need of considering them in legal practice in general, and especially in our country. With this study, we could observe how interconnected, both sciences– legal science and Heideggerian ontology – must be, which, as we could conclude, once disregarded by the applicators of law, can crumble an entire constitutional system.


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How to Cite

Guilherme Diehl de Azevedo. (2020). Martin Heidegger and Brazilian Law: Necessary Connections. Revista Poiesis, 17(2), 31–49. Retrieved from