Rock a becoming philosophy

The composition for a thought experience


  • Marcos Ribeiro de Santana Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Concept. Teaching. Philosophy. Thought. Rock’n’roll.


The present article consists in the possibility of thinking about the exercise of philosophy teaching as a philosophical experimentation, as an activity that runs through life itself, in the construction of existence and in the way of intervening in social issues. A possibility of teaching philosophy elaborated within a transversal dimension, establishing a connecting relationship between philosophy and music. Two activities that complement and empower each other to activate the production of new thoughts. Approach that will move through the philosophical construction of Deleuze and Guattari, which constitutes philosophy as the art of creating concepts, provoked from the confrontation of problems. Philosophical perspective in connection with music, specifically rock'n'roll, seeking to resonate the full power of touching the social and existential issues that this music genre is capable of. Since, rock has the ability to compose its own lifestyle, maintaining a critical and creative attitude towards society, inventing a way to exist and express itself. It is a matter of mapping the problems touched by rock, within the philosophical perspective, to find possible ways out through the creation of concepts. The goal is to empower students with a philosophical experience that activates the creation of unique thoughts. A way of awakening in them the ability to create their own vision of themselves and the world. A teaching of philosophy as something close to their reality, which arises from the experience of the world and life. Something made possible by the encounter between philosophical thought and music, to build a critical and creative posture in front of one's existence.


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Author Biography

Marcos Ribeiro de Santana, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Doutorando no programa de Educação da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) sob a orientação do Prof. Dr. Silvio Gallo.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro de Santana, M. (2021). Rock a becoming philosophy: The composition for a thought experience. Revista Poiesis, 18(1), 51–70. Retrieved from



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