Philosophy and citizenship

The philosopher’s presence in the world and his educative importance


  • Carlos Eduardo Ruas Dias Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


Philosophy. Education. Politic. Citizenship. Society.


Ever since the Franch Revolution, the men’s position in society soffered deep changes; the man passed onto be seened as a political agent, different of the way he was seen before, the subject became citizen. In the old regime, people were subjected unable to take part in the debate of public matters as the sovereign was the bearer of a divine mandate to rule and could not me questioned. The differential of the citizen is that, to take part inthe public debate, he  must pass through a educative process capacitate him to public life, assisting him to develope the critical sense requiered to offer the most adequate contibuition to the State’s development. In this new scenario, what is the philosophy’s importance importance to the society’s enhancement and better qualification on public debate? In the capacitation process that turn the men into citizen, the philosopher have a very peculiar role wich is detached since the antiquity: the man must disentangle himself of the beliefs set that keep him stuck at a life of illusions. The philosopher, as an educator, has the function to destroy such beliefs and take men to a vision rational world’s. The philosopher, then, have the function to provoque the opennin of the minds and to show the value of the world and history critical visions, making that the citizen have the capacity to put himself in the public debate and present his demands.


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Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Ruas Dias, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia

Graduado em Filosofia pela Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros – Unimontes e mestre em filosofia pela Universidade federal de Uberlândia – UFU.


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How to Cite

Ruas Dias, C. E. (2021). Philosophy and citizenship: The philosopher’s presence in the world and his educative importance. Revista Poiesis, 18(1), 71–90. Retrieved from



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