Teologia da Libertação; filosofia intercultural; encarnação; inculturação; occidentocentrismoAbstract
Half a century after the "official" beginning of Liberation Theology, it has diversified and
expanded to other continents and fields. However, a deep intercultural deconstruction of the main
parameters is still urgent, in order to reach a decolonization and depatriarchalization of theology and
religion. In this paper, the author attempts to raise the challenges from the indigenous theologies of
Abya Yala (Latin America) and in the perspective of a full interculturality and decoloniality. This task
results from the very core of the Christian faith, that is, from the "incarnation" of the divine in Jesus of
Nazareth, which entails the inculturation and inreligionization of his message. Only in this way will
the Liberation Theology of the 21st century be truly intercultural and interreligious.
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