
  • Frederico Soares de Almeida
  • Carlos Roberto Drawin




Hermeneutics, Ethics, Otherness


In this article, we will develop an introductory exploration of the relationship between hermeneutics and ethics in Paul Ricoeur’s philosophy. Our objective with this text is to analyze how hermeneutics and ethics intersect in Ricoeur's thought. The idea is to demonstrate how hermeneutics and ethics are intertwined within the hermeneutics of the self and how this hermeneutic approach aids us in contemplating the human being. We start from the assumption that hermeneutics in Ricoeur's philosophy can be understood as a path leading to ethics. Furthermore, philosophical anthropology serves as the link between hermeneutics and ethics in Ricoeur's philosophy. Ricoeur's philosophical hermeneutics aims to describe and analyze how human beings will act in the world through the horizons of justice, otherness, rightness, goodness, recognition, and respect. Consequently, the hermeneutics of the self brings the possibility of contemplating a moral philosophy within the scope of Ricoeur's philosophy. Moreover, in Ricoeur's philosophy, we cannot conceive of a separation between hermeneutics and ethics. With philosophical anthropology at its core, Ricoeur emphasizes how the hermeneutics of the self advances towards the development of a moral philosophy. 


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How to Cite

Frederico Soares de Almeida, & Carlos Roberto Drawin. (2024). A RELAÇÃO ENTRE HERMENÊUTICA E ÉTICA NA FILOSOFIA DE PAUL RICOEUR. Revista Poiesis, 27(2). https://doi.org/10.46551/2448-30952023v27n204



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