virtual, compossible, incompossible, chaos, eventAbstract
If for Leibniz a single compossible world repels the other possible worlds, incompossible in relation to them, we will see that the notion of event formulated by Gilles Deleuze makes the incompossibles and compossibles converge in a single world, whose reality is marked by the uninterrupted passage from a virtual to the actual dimension. We intend to verify how, in Deleuze's thought, incompossibility and compossibility are articulated in a plane of immanence where singularities extend and where individuations are carried out that effective differential relations in terms of qualities and parts that emerge from the virtual depth of an infinite chaos that continues to press on the state of affairs. We intend to describe how the event is an act that will give consistency to the incompossibilities that interpenetrate a single and same world and how, based on this reality, the individual does not have fixed limits, but neighborhoods that allow the incompossible series coexist virtually with their updates, such as transitories mobiles susceptible to unprecedented combinations.
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