Collective negotiation of oil tankers in times of crisis
Collective Bargaining, Oil tankers, Crisis, Rights, WorkAbstract
This research focuses on the analysis of how collective bargaining agreements between oil workers and Petrobrás evolved in the recent period. The following analysis question is pointed out: How did the business rights of oil workers develop in the recent period of national crisis? In this sense, the research covers a period of analysis in which there was a severe retraction in the Brazilian economy. The research has a perspective of qualitative analysis, using interviews conducted by the author and the normative text of collective bargaining as an instrument of observation. Still in terms of methodology, it is a research of historical analysis and content interpretation, both of the content of the negotiations and of the interviews carried out. The present research is justified due to the contemporaneity of the issue of oil production in the context of the crisis that occurred in Brazil since 2014. We will use as a research base authors who discuss negotiation in a legal sense, such as for example Godinho Delgado and Sayonara Grillo . On the other hand, we will also base the research on authors who discuss the oil category, such as Caldeira Brant and Francisco de Oliveira. Finally, our theoretical focus on the work category is based on authors such as György Lukács.
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