Cultural tourism in La Guajira of the original peoples, a possibility of development for the post-pandemic times





Cultural tourism, Colombia, Original towns, The Guajira, Wayuu


This work is part of an investigation of the Master in Social Sciences of the University of La Guajira to analyze the value that the indigenous communities settled on the coast of Mayapo give to culture, tourism and solidarity in their marine-coastal territories. Among the objectives that we intended to study was to identify the economic and social valuation of coastal ecosystems from the Wayuu worldview. This work is justified as part of an investigation in search of economic valuation of the incidence of socio-environmental risks on local production systems. This study aimed to assess the coastal ecosystems of Mayapo located in the municipality of Manaure, through a methodological design that responded to a definition of the territories according to the practices, uses and customs present in the traditions of the Wayuu indigenous community. Likewise, it could serve as an input to create development strategies, land use plans and the design of methodological instruments for the responsible use of ecosystem services provided by areas of high cultural value.


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Author Biographies

Katherin, Universidad de La Guajira (UNIGUAJIRA)

Msc. Katherin Pérez Mendoza. Maestría en Ciencias Sociales (UNIGUAJIRA) Colombia. Directora del departamento de Economía, ORCID: 0000-0001-6574-1959

Carlos Busón, FUNDECT/CNPq

Dr. Carlos Busón Buesa. Doctorado en Educación y Comunicación (UNED) España. UEMS, Investigador bolsista FUNDECT/CNPq, Brasil, ORCID: 0000-0002-1446-2252

Alexis Carabalí Angola, Universidad de La Guajira (UNIGUAJIRA)

Dr. Alexis Carabali Angola UNIGUAJIRA, Doctorado en antropología (UNIGUAJIRA) director de la Maestría en Ciencias Sociales UNIGUAJIRA. Colombia, ORCID: 0000-0001-8735-6963


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How to Cite

KATHERIN; BUSÓN, Carlos; CARABALÍ ANGOLA, Alexis. CULTURAL TOURISM IN LA GUAJIRA OF THE ORIGINAL PEOPLES, A POSSIBILITY OF DEVELOPMENT FOR THE POST-PANDEMIC TIMES: Cultural tourism in La Guajira of the original peoples, a possibility of development for the post-pandemic times. Revista Desenvolvimento Social, [s. l.], vol. 28, no. 1, p. 221–246, 2022. DOI: 10.46551/issn2179-6807v28n1p221-246. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.