Decolonizing knowledge: The perspective of Lewis Gordon

Decolonizing knowledge: The perspective of Lewis Gordon





decolonizacion, filosofia, educacion, tecnologia


The text offers a commentary that aims to contextualize the interview given by Lewis Gordon in January 2023 and published as a podcast1, in order to amplify access to Lewis Gordon's thoughts in the Portuguese language. In the interview he talks about narrative disputes in philosophy and science, the erasure and appropriation of Eastern and Southern influences in knowledge systems and how the universalization of theories and concepts reinforce ideas of 'perfection' and truth that reflect white privilege of the Global North. Lewis Gordon offers us elements to reflect on the need for metaphilosophy and metaethics for decolonial critique and reminds us that in spaces of privilege one should not expect approval since hegemonic perspectives tend to resist inclusions that bring diversity to the epistemic field.


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Author Biography

Elen Nas, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

Elen Nas é posdoc no Instituto de Estudos Avançados/USP. Doutora em Bioética, Mestre em Design e Cientista Social. Foi pesquisadora visitante da UCI (EUA) e  Monash (Austrália). Colabora com o laboratório de arte e ciência da Universidade do Texas (Artscilab/UTD), com o ELA IA (Estratégia Latino-Americana da Inteligência Artificial). É fundadora e coordenadora do projeto DecolonizAI. ORCID iD: 


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How to Cite

NAS, E. Decolonizing knowledge: The perspective of Lewis Gordon: Decolonizing knowledge: The perspective of Lewis Gordon. Revista Desenvolvimento Social, [S. l.], v. 29, n. 2, p. 189–199, 2023. DOI: 10.46551/issn2179-6807v29n2p189-199. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.