Literartes: multiple literacy practices for teaching Portuguese
This paper aims to present reflections on ways of teaching and learning languages, in an 'inter' and transdisciplinary perspective. As part of the Literartes teaching and extension project, which has been taking place at IFNMG campus Araçuaí since 2017, bringing together a set of artistic productions organized by highschool students. In this article we focus on the practices from a sophomore class, whose theme is the ‘tales’ of the Jequitinhonha Valley region. Based on people’s, from the Middle Jequitinhonha region, narratives, students interacted with various language practices. From this contact, the students investigated the relationship betweenthe stories and other researches, resulting in the production of short videos showing people from the region telling such stories. Secondly, thetales were recreated as if they had taken place on present times. Another relevant moment was when students transformed the tales into a theater play. At the end of the listed practices, we identified issues related to literacy and the various possibilities of development of teaching, conceiving language as a process of interaction, construction of and meanings.
Keywords: Literacy. Teaching. Text transcreation.
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