Mathematics textbook investigations: an analysis of your research questions



Textbooks and materials produced by Departments of Education has provided research object of study and gained importance in discussion of mathematics curriculum. However, how to setup the problems of research on textbooks of Mathematics? What conceptual framework can guide research on these materials in mathematics education? These issues motived us to realize a research, trough the mapping of 59 dissertations and theses, about the state of knowledge perspective. From the theories of Postlethwaite (2005) and Fan (2013), the analysis of the problems of these investigations revealed that a considerable number had the purpose to identify and describe characteristics of these materials; a few had as problem identification and understanding of relationships between books, or characteristic aspects of them, and other variables; another few leaned in to study the causal relationship between certain factors and textbooks. Therefore, it is necessary to decentralize research a conceptual framework that takes the materials as intermediate variables, and focus the research on conceptual frameworks that qualify and consider factors that affect these materials or that are affected by them.

Keywords: Textbooks. Curriculum Materials. Education Mathematics.


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FAN, Lianghuo. Textbook research as scientific research: towards a common ground on issues and methods of research on mathematics textbooks. ZDM – The International Journal on Mathematics Education, Springer, v. 45, n. 5, 2013, p. 765-777.

JANUARIO, Gilberto; LIMA, Katia; PIRES, Celia Maria Carolino. Processo de apropriação, de professores, de materiais didáticos que apresentam o currículo de Matemática. In: XII ENCONTRO PAULISTA DE EDUCAÇÃO MATEMÁTICA, 2014, Birigui. Anais do XII EPEM: Educação Matemática no contexto das propostas do ensino integrado: projetos e políticas. Birigui: IFSP, 2014. v. único. p. 1-15.

POSTLETHWAITE, T. Neville. Educational research: some basic concepts and terminology. Paris: UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning, 2005. Disponível em; acesso em 27 mar. 2015, às 16h40.

REMILLARD, Janine T.; HERBEL-EISENMANN, Beth A.; LLOYD, Gwendolyn M.; (Ed.), Mathematics teachers at work: connecting curriculum materials and classroom instruction. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2009.



How to Cite

JANUARIO, Gilberto. Mathematics textbook investigations: an analysis of your research questions. Educação, Escola & Sociedade, Montes Claros, vol. 11, no. 12, p. 1–12, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.