Pedagogical use of the virtual learning environment (AVA) in the view of students in the semipresential Mathematics license course



The article analyzes the contributions of the interactions experienced by a group of students through the Virtual Learning Environment (AVA) in a semester class in a Public University of Fortaleza. The aim of this study was to analyze the contributions of pedagogical interactions concerning the formation of undergraduate students in mathematics in the semi-present modality. In this sense, the new collective, collaborative and interactive learning environments, allied to semi-presential education, are used in order to contribute to this type of teaching. In the methodological procedure of the research a semi-structured questionnaire was applied where the subjects presented their analyzes about the contributions of the collaborative interactions of the mathematics course through the VLE moodle. It was possible to verify that the students presented certain domains of some skills in the use of tools available in the virtual environment, they sought to collaboratively interact in the construction of knowledge and changes in the conceptions of the use of digital technologies.

Keywords: Semi-presential education. Virtual learning environment. Mathematical Education.


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How to Cite

SILVANO, A.; MELO, B. Pedagogical use of the virtual learning environment (AVA) in the view of students in the semipresential Mathematics license course. Educação, Escola & Sociedade, Montes Claros, v. 11, n. 12, p. 13–23, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 mar. 2025.