Multiliteracy and teacher training: a study about the profile of graduates of the Unimontes’ Pedagogy course



The research performed is located within the field of teacher training in the context of multiple literacy, and aimed to survey and examine the profile of students in the Pedagogy course of the Unimontes, with attention to variables such as age, race, gender, parental schooling, among others. We consider that the construction of a profile of the graduates is important to understand who are the students entering the university in the recent scenario of integration of low-income groups into the Brazilian higher education system. In order to raise this profile, we carried out an exploratory study that involved a bibliographical study and a field research. As data collection technique, we initially used questionnaires that were answered by 28 students, that is, 73% of the total students of the selected class. In order to deepen the study, we later resorted to focus groups. The data crossing of the questionnaires with the focus groups indicates that the study subjects are low-income students, mostly young brown females, stemming from public schools, and whose parents predominantly do not have higher education, with records of illiterate and semi-illiterate parents. We emphasize that these students have a notion of vocation as an explanation for choosing the course, and an understanding of Pedagogy as a space that is limited to working with children. The research presents a set of elements that contribute to the consideration of teacher training.

Keywords: Teacher Training. Pedagogy. Profile of students.


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How to Cite

AMORIM, M.; MORAIS, E.; VELOSO, G.; VELLOSO, M.; ALMEIDA, C.; SOARES, E. Multiliteracy and teacher training: a study about the profile of graduates of the Unimontes’ Pedagogy course. Educação, Escola & Sociedade, Montes Claros, v. 12, n. 14, p. e201908, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.

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