The IDEB results in Northern Minas Gerais: a comparative study



In this project we have one purpose, to analyze the results about a research from development index of basic education (IDEB) about the beginnings and endings years of elementary school of four counties: Bocaiúva, Januária, Pirapora e Salinas – MG state, inside of the project ‘action of this research “The IDEB results in counties of north of Minas Gerais – MG: A comparative study” about the advances and challenges. In our incursion in research field we searched to observe what grade that the management from schools and thesystemic vison of municipal network about the Education, intervening for a better performance from yours students. Were researched five public schools and teams of Municipal Secretaries of Education about the previously municipalities said. We verified, initially, that the fortification of pedagogic dimension was one of the factors of enhancement of actuation from educators contributing, also, to the review of taught matters, modeling them to the reals difficult and necessities of learning from students.   We founded, also that, results seen in endings years of elementary school are significantly different in comparison with the beginnings results, and this is a question that make us think if the initiatives of municipal management had focused mainly in the beginnings years or was egalitarian. 

Keywords: Quality of Teaching. Learning. Public Policy.


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How to Cite

SILVA, Márcio; ALMEIDA, Shirley. The IDEB results in Northern Minas Gerais: a comparative study. Educação, Escola & Sociedade, Montes Claros, vol. 10, no. 10, p. 105–116, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.