The pedagogical training of graduate teachers: proposition of continuing education in a federal institute of Minas Gerais



This paper is an integral part of an ongoing PhD research at the University of Graduate Program in Education of the Federal University of Uberlândia, already approved by the Ethics Committee of that institution, whose objective is to analyze the continuing education policies proposed by one federal institute in the State of Minas Gerais, within the ten years of the federal institutes' (IF) existence, considering the political conjuncture of genesis and expansion of these institutions. IF, due to the nature of its creation, offer since the Technical and Technological Education to lato and stricto sensu postgraduate courses, which requires a significant number of professionals to teach in their courses, admitting, to this end, teachers with diverse types of training. Many professionals, because they have the masters and doctorate degrees only, are admitted without necessary for the exercise of teaching. Anchored in the legislation that concerns as well as in institutional documents such as the Institutional Development and Management Reports, we intend to analyze the continuing education policies offered in the face of the needs and specificities of teaching in IF — including the need for pedagogical training of bachelor teachers. The partial results indicate that, in the context of institutional policies, Prospects for continuing (and pedagogical) teacher education begin to be outlined in 2017, but these are still insufficient to meet the demand. The relevance of the study emphasizes the need for reflection on the role of IF in promoting institutional training policies and the continuity of actions and institutional policies of pedagogical formation of its faculty.

Keywords: Continuing education. Teacher bachelor. Federal institutes. Teacher training.


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How to Cite

SILVA, Josenilda; BORGES, Maria. The pedagogical training of graduate teachers: proposition of continuing education in a federal institute of Minas Gerais. Educação, Escola & Sociedade, Montes Claros, vol. 11, no. 13, p. 67–76, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.