On the admission and presence of Quilombolas at the Brazilian University
Quilombolas, University, Admission, PermanencyAbstract
In this article we aim to contribute to the reflection about the presence and permanency of quilombolas and their knowledge in the Brazilian university. The work results from a “dialogue” established with three black quilombola women: Rosimeire, Maria das Dores and Olindina Serafim. Data were obtained from the articulation between a speech given by Rosimeire, which took place at a discussion table during a National Congress of Research in Education in July 2022, and two interviews carried out with Maria das Dores and Olindina Serafim in November 2022. We consider that the reflections brought by the interlocutors reinforce the indispensability of the admission and permanency of quilombolas in the university, as well as their knowledge, reiterating indications of Gomes (2007; 2017) and Horácio (2022), among others, regarding the necessary attention to the knowledge of the traditional peoples and communities and their struggles.
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