Evaluation of learning in higher education: a challenge to be faced





Educação superior. , Avaliação educacional, Universidades.


Abstract: The evaluation of learning has been a challenge for teachers, students and management, because, like education, it is not a neutral action, but, on the contrary, it is impregnated with meanings, interests and values, embodied in a vision of human being, of the world and of society that underlies it. In this sense, the assessment of learning is located in a scenario of multiple dimensions (political, pedagogical, social and economic), with different intentions that can distance it from the objective of contributing to effective learning and human formation, in view of the building a just, democratic and dignified society. This article presents a systematization of conceptions that can contribute to the understanding of the evaluation process in higher education as a challenge, with the intention of strengthening the emancipatory perspective of education and the need to build pedagogical projects as instruments of resistance, as well as of collective spaces for teacher training.


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Author Biographies

Regina de Souza Alves, Northeastern University Teaching Society - SEUNE

PhD from the University of São Paulo (USP), 2022. Master in Bioethics and Legal Aspects of Health at the Universidad Del Museo Social Argentino in Buenos Aires (2014) and Nurse at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS), 1996. Extensive experience in the area of Health Education, as an Assistant Nurse, Emergency Unit and Basic Health Unit. Currently working as a Nurse in the Management of Chronic Diseases at the Municipal Health Department of Maceió/AL and professor at the Sociedade de Ensino Universitário do Nordeste - SEUNE.

Sílvia Helena Mendonça de Moraes, University of São Paulo

Graduated in Pedagogy (UFMS) and Psychology (UCDB). Master in Public Health (ENSP/FIOCRUZ). Doctoral student of the Graduate Program in Fundamental Nursing (EERP/USP). She specializes in Mental Health (ENSP / FIOCRUZ) and in Health Education for SUS Preceptors (IEP). She worked in the Pedagogical Coordination of the Technical School of SUS in Mato Grosso do Sul (2002 to 2014), was a professor of the specialization course in Public Health (ESP/MS) and tutor in the specialization course in Primary Care in Family Health (UFMS/ UNA-SUS). She is currently a Researcher in Public Health at the Oswaldo Cruz Mato Grosso do Sul Foundation (FIOCRUZ MS) and Coordinator of the specialization course in Family Health (FIOCRUZ MS / UNA-SUS). She has professional experience in Health Education and Collective Health, focusing on the following topics: Training of health professionals, including mid-level technical training; Permanent Education in Health; Family Health Strategy; Mental health.

Adriana Katia Corrêa, University of São Paulo

Graduated in Nursing from the University of São Paulo (1989), Master's in Nursing from the University of São Paulo (1995), Ph. Currently, she is an associate professor at the Department of General and Specialized Nursing at EERP-University of São Paulo, working specifically in the Bachelor's and Licentiate's Degree in Nursing. She has experience in the area of Nursing, with emphasis on the interface with the area of education - Training of professionals and teachers, within the scope of higher education and technical professional education of secondary level, acting mainly in the following themes: higher education, professional education in health and nursing and training of teachers in the area of health. Since joining the EERP / USP, she has been teaching the undergraduate degree in nursing and since 2006, she has been teaching only the Bachelor's and Licentiate's Courses. She teaches classes specifically in curricular disciplines aimed at training nurse teachers to work professionally in professional education schools in the health/nursing area, namely: Professional Education in Nursing I and II; Nursing Teaching Methodology and Curriculum Internship in Professional Education in Nursing. From 2002 to 2004, she participated in the proposition of the Licentiate Degree Course at EERP, a course that started in 2006. She was an Alternate Coordination of this course, from 2006 to 2008 and coordinator from 2009 to April 2014. During this period, she was an effective member of the Inter-Unit Commission USP Degree. She is involved with the training of teachers of professional education in health / nursing and higher education, participating in national and local training projects / policies such as: PROFAE, Training of Activators of Change Processes in Higher Education of Health Professionals, Project TEC-Saúde-SP. From 2004 to 2010, he coordinated the Pedagogical Support Group of the USP Campus in Ribeirão Preto, an interdisciplinary and inter-unit group, which is part of the policy of valuing undergraduate education at USP, participating in the Pedagogical Support Group of the USP- Ribeirão Preto, since 2004 and the Commission for Pedagogical Support of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the University from 2004 to 2012. He is leader of the "Education and Health/Nursing Research Group: policies, practices, professional training and teacher training", registered at CNPq, since 2008, whose focus is conducting research in the field of higher education and secondary-level technical professional education in health/nursing. In graduate school, she is responsible for disciplines aimed at teacher training. From 2010 to 2016, he coordinated the Project "Pro-Education in Health - CAPES (Project 2037/2010) associated with the three Graduate Programs of EERP/USP, also counting on professors from other Teaching Units of Campus USP Ribeirão Preto, in addition to postgraduate and undergraduate students Professor of the Postgraduate Program: Training of professionals and teachers in the area of health, of the Postgraduate Program in Fundamental Nursing of the School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo He is responsible for the Laboratory of Pedagogical Practices of the Bachelor's and Licentiate Degree Course in Nursing. nurse teachers (and from other areas of health) for mid-level technical professional education.


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How to Cite

DE SOUZA ALVES, R.; HELENA MENDONÇA DE MORAES, S.; KATIA CORRÊA, A. Evaluation of learning in higher education: a challenge to be faced. Educação, Escola & Sociedade, Montes Claros, v. 20, n. 22, p. 1–17, 2024. DOI: 10.46551/ees.v19n21art01. Disponível em: https://www.periodicos.unimontes.br/index.php/rees/article/view/6380. Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.