The importance of formative rigor and active methodology in the process of human constitution
Educação, Práxis Pedagógica, Ensino, AprendizagemAbstract
This essay intends to point out educational paths that allow teachers and students to reflect and transforming action both in educational dynamics and in societies. The research problem is: What is the role of formative rigor for human formation? What is the meaning of the active methodology as a perspective of innovation and authentic training of subjects? Is it possible to deal with formative rigor through the active methodology? The objective of the research is to analyze the role of the educational space and its potential in the development of processes that promote reflection, creativity and innovation. A literature review is carried out methodologically in order to open investigative horizons on current educational perspectives. It is understood that rigor is essential in the teaching and learning process, and can be leveraged from the active methodology, which places the student as an active agent in the construction of knowledge and, properly in the development of their human condition in the world.
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