The speeches and challenges in training and construction of the teaching identitária: focus on university teaching



This study aims to reflect on the issues that permeate the discourses that focus on the problematic of identity and pedagogical practice and teacher training, as well as the professional development of teachers. We understand that, when reflecting on these issues related to teaching, we need to do so from multiple constraints such as public training policies, the construction of teacher identity and their professional development; these questions should be considered in their multiple dimensions and specificities. Thus, we undertake a bibliographic research, based on authors who study the referenced theme. The concepts used in this study fit into a contemporary view of the professionalization of university teaching, taking it into a discursive system, being considered as a social activity, which provides action and interaction between the subjects in a given social contract. communication and in a dialectical socio-historical context.

Keywords: Teaching. Teaching Identity. Teacher education and Development.


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How to Cite

BRITO, Denice do Socorro Lopes. The speeches and challenges in training and construction of the teaching identitária: focus on university teaching. Educação, Escola & Sociedade, Montes Claros, vol. 12, no. 14, p. e201910, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.