Beliefs, attitudes and emotions in Mathematic Education



We aim to identify and discuss the existential knowledge of undergraduate students in Mathematics, reflecting on the affective domain and its influence on Mathematical Education. The Mathematical Education: Beliefs, Attitudes, and Emotions workshop was developed at the XVIII Scientific Initiation Week, at the Regional University of Cariri (URCA), campos Sales Campus, and was attended by thirty-two undergraduate students in the Mathematics Degree. In the workshop, we performed text reading, individual and group dynamics, presentation and discussion of slides. We found that most students have good knowledge of mathematics, but have gaps in the processes of learning and teaching mathematics.

Keywords: Mathematics Education. Affective domain. Existential teaching knowledge.


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How to Cite

MORAES, Ronald; BARGUIL, Paulo. Beliefs, attitudes and emotions in Mathematic Education. Educação, Escola & Sociedade, Montes Claros, vol. 11, no. 13, p. 96–108, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.