A dança nos currículos dos cursos de Educação Física: por que e para quê?



relato, dança, educação física


With remote teaching already established at the State University of Montes Claros - Unimontes, between the months of June and July, the Didactic Collegiate of the Physical Education course at this institution, proposed the use of “Online didactic activities” on different platforms such as : Google Meet, Instagram and Youtube. The proposed activities could be lives, seminars, round tables or mini courses, organized by the teachers of the referred course from nine (9) axes. In this way, the objective of this report is to describe the experience of a round table entitled "Dance in the curricula of Physical Education courses: why and for what?", Proposed by the axis "Body, expression in Physical Education and gymnastics". Based on the new context faced, the organized groups chose different themes, which would interest and cross the different knowledge dealt with in the different curricular components of the EF baccalaureate course, in order to stimulate and “(re) get closer” to their student body. The theme defined for the table aimed to clarify some issues that permeate dance and the presence of this bodily manifestation in the curricula of PE courses, especially in the baccalaureate course. The teacher was responsible for the exhibition. Elisângela Chaves and professor José Roberto Lopes, with the mediation of professor Fernanda de Souza, all authors of this report; having finally reached its goal since there was a significant participation of teachers, students and people interested in the various themes that were part of the “Online didactic activities”.


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How to Cite

CARDOSO, F. de S.; CHAVES, E.; SALES, J. R. L. de. A dança nos currículos dos cursos de Educação Física: por que e para quê? . RENEF, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 111–121, 2020. Disponível em: https://www.periodicos.unimontes.br/index.php/renef/article/view/3254. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.