Physical aptitude, Anthropometry, Population-ageing, Elderly healthAbstract
Population aging is a reality not only in Brazil but all over the world, and the changes that this process brings about in society make us think of an issue that is increasingly on the agenda and the need for programs, actions, public policies, studies and projects targeted at this audience. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar e comparar o perfil antropométrico, força e flexibilidade em idosos praticantes de atividade física. This is a research with a qualitative, comparative and cross-sectional approach. They were carried out measurement of handgrip strength of the dominant hand through a dynamometer, it was also assessment flexibility levels using the goniometry technique, and finally, the anthropometric profile was evaluated using the Body Mass Index (BMI) protocol. The study included 40 elderly people, both genders, randomly selected. The results demonstrate that there was a statistically significant difference when comparing the sexes. In terms of flexibility, women had higher averages than men, whereas in relation to handgrip strength, men had higher averages than women. There was no difference between the sexes in terms of Body Mass Index - BMI, being that most of those surveyed were classified with overweight and obesity. It is concluded that the evaluated women have greater flexibility and lower levels of strength when compared to men. It is necessary that both elderlies seek by a better quality of life, prioritizing food and physical exercise pratice.
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