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Physical Activity, Weight Training, Perception


The present study aimed to assess the perception of outcomes achieved through weight training. The sample consisted of 256 individuals of both genders, with a mean age of 30.94 ± 9.60 years, comprising 134 males and 122 females. Participants completed a questionnaire containing questions related to the objectives of the current study. The chi-square test was employed to compare objectives and the perception of outcomes achieved between genders, considering a significance level of α ≤ 0.05. It was evident that among the evaluated objectives, muscular hypertrophy was the most perceived result, followed by physical conditioning, weight loss, and muscle definition. Additionally, 99.61% reported improvement concerning their intended objectives with weight training. Differences between genders were observed in the perception of outcomes achieved for muscular hypertrophy and strength gain, with the majority of men reporting complete improvement in muscular hypertrophy, and all men who aimed for increased muscular strength reporting achievement of their goals. No differences were found between genders in the perception of outcomes for physical conditioning, weight loss, muscle definition, and others. It is concluded that the primary objectives for weight training were muscular hypertrophy, physical conditioning, and weight loss. The majority reported partial improvement with weight training. There was a higher proportion of men aiming for muscular hypertrophy, while a greater frequency of women had the objectives of muscle definition and weight loss. Most men reported complete improvement in muscular hypertrophy, and all men who aimed for increased muscular strength reported complete improvement in this capacity.


Keywords: Physical Activity, Weight Training, Perception.



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2024-03-11 — Updated on 2024-03-11


How to Cite

GONÇALVES SCHMIDT DE PAULA, Janaina; MARQUES DA SILVA JÚNIOR, Francisco; LUCY DA SILVA ROSA, Grazielle; ROBERTO DE MATOS E ÁVILA, Waldney; MENDES AMARAL, Giovanna; LAFETÁ, Jean Claude; VELOSO ROCHA MARINHO, Hellen. PPERCEPTION OF RESULTS ACHIEVED THROUGH RESISTANCE TRAINING. RENEF, [s. l.], vol. 15, no. 23, p. 56–70, 2024. DOI: 10.46551/rn2024152300083. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.




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