Teachers, Physical Education, Inclusion, Martial ArtsAbstract
The inclusion of martial arts in physical education classes is limited due to many issues affecting teachers' decisions about teaching martial arts. This study aimed to analyze the real difficulties faced by teachers so that martial arts is included as a school physical education topic. That is a quantitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional study. The sample was composed of 30 public elementary school final years and high school teachers from Montes Claros/MG, both genders, in the age group between 30 and 56 years old, randomly selected. The instrument used was a closed-ended questionnaire containing ten thoroughly elaborated questions to respond to this study matter. After data collection, a descriptive analysis was made, including the minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation, actual and absolute frequency values. Results indicate that most participants have already employed martial arts in their classes and are acquainted with the benefits of this topic application. However, those researched complain about a shortage of technical knowledge about the topic, lack of time for class planning, infrastructure scarcity, and resource insufficiency to include and employ the topic. Accordingly, it was possible to conclude that the professionals are limited from using martial arts due to the school's structural problem and also lack mastery and appropriation of the topic, an issue that will only be solved through investments and better educational policy, as well as, more qualified and competent professionals active within the school context.
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