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Sedentary lifestyle, High school, Pedras de Maria da Cruz, MG


The Physical activity has several health benefits, preventing, among other things, chronic diseases resulting from a sedentary lifestyle. However, even though information is routinely disseminated in the most diverse public and private spheres about the benefits of practicing physical activity, a large portion of the population does not develop body habits with the recommended frequency. The present research, taking as its object of study 5 classes of the 1st grade of high school from the 2 public schools in the urban center of Pedras de Maria da Cruz, with a sample of 63 enrolled students, sought, on the one hand, to verify the conditions of teenagers active and inactive, and on the other, evaluate possible variables that may be contributing to these behaviors, namely, sleep and the use of technology. This is a qualitative-quantitative, cross-sectional study, with the information spectrum subsidized by an adaptation of the questionnaire “Physical Activity Teenagers 15-17 years AF4”, included in the National Food and Physical Activity (NFA PA) ” .In general terms, the research concluded that almost half of the sample compared (49.2%) are in a situation of inactivity, a result that, although it points to a somewhat alarming scenario, is relativized when compared to studies that work with public more comprehensive. On another front, regarding the variables that may be contributing to this scenario, sleep presented more noticeable and striking relationships.

Keywords: Sedentary lifestyle. High school. Pedras de Maria da Cruz, MG.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUES MACEDO, UDSON; VENÂNCIO DE OLIVEIRA AMARAL, DANIEL. SEDENTARISMO E COMPORTAMENTOS INFLUENCIADORES EM ALUNOS DO ENSINO MÉDIO. RENEF, [s. l.], vol. 15, no. 24, p. 105–116, 2024. DOI: 10.46551/rn2024152400098. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 oct. 2024.