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Olimpismo. Paris 2024. Neo-olimpismo.


Pierre de Coubertin, the French founder of the modern Olympic Games, proposed the idea of the Games in the 19th century. Over its 127-year history, the Olympic Games have undergone social transformations and structural changes in sport, leading to shifts in the perception, experience, and practice of what is known as Olympism. Paris holds a unique position in the Olympic Movement (OM) not only as the home country of its founder but also as the site of the first Olympic Congress, which established the International Olympic Committee in 1984. Furthermore, Paris has hosted two editions of the Summer Games, specifically the second and eighth Olympic Games in 1900 and 1924, respectively. Over the centuries, the OM has been engaged in dialogue with (and/or pressured by) pressing social issues. As the Olympic Games return to the founder’s home country in 2024, they encapsulate the tensions of global sport and a unique framework of values, pedagogy, symbols, and rituals envisioned by its founder. This study aims to analyze the candidacy of Paris for the 2024 Olympic Games in the context of global agendas that pressure Olympism. The data source for this analysis is the candidature books of the city of Paris for the 2024 Olympic Games, published in 2016 in English. The findings reveal that the Paris 2024 candidacy books express alignment with the city’s development and the 2020 Agenda of the Olympic Movement. They reproduce the logic of previous candidacies while advancing in other areas. In this regard, it is understood that neo-Olympism seeks not only to return to the original philosophy but also to embrace diversity as a value to respond to pressing social issues.


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Author Biography

Clarisse Silva Caetano, Universidade Federal de Viçosa

Mestranda do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação - Universidade Federal de Viçosa 

Membra do Laboratório de Estudos Olímpicos e Socioculturais dos Esportes (LEOS)


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2024-03-20 — Updated on 2024-04-17


How to Cite

SILVA DOS SANTOS, Doiara; SILVA CAETANO, Clarisse. AS PROMESSAS DE PARIS 2024: UMA “NOVA VISÃO DO OLIMPISMO”? UNA ¿NUEVA VISIÓN DEL OLIMPISM?. RENEF, [s. l.], vol. 15, no. 23, p. 81–95, 2024 [2024]. DOI: 10.46551/rn2024152300085. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


